Records Requirement
Once a search has been successfully completed or otherwise ended, it is important to close the search by gathering search-related materials into a search file. All documentation related to the search including, but not limited to, the materials identified below, must be gathered into a search file, marked as a search file, and retained by the department or other organizational unit for a period of three years. Failure to maintain search materials as legally required could lead to an assumption of unlawful discrimination in a legal challenge.
Many items required for documentation will be maintained electronically via MyTrack:
- position description
- recruiting announcement placed on UO Careers site
- list of recruitment sources (please update the job requisition in MyTrack if changes were made to the advertising plan following initial submission)
- names of search committee members (please update the job requisition in MyTrack if changes were made to the search committee members following initial submission)
- candidates’ materials, including applications, resumes, supplemental questions, names of references
Other materials must be saved to the requisition in MyTrack prior to the final offer review:
- Summary of search process
- Evaluation or ratings forms
- Contingent offer letter (if used)
Units/departments are responsible for maintaining all additional documentation related to a job search:
- copy of ads (including where and when they were placed)
- ratings forms prepared by individual search committee members
- interview notes (make sure the names of note takers, date/time of interview, are included)
- employment verification and reference check notes
- documentation of work samples
Refer to the UO Records Management website for more information on retention requirements.
Important Note Regarding Failed Searches:
If the search fails, the same record keeping requirements apply, and candidates must be appropriately dispositioned in order for accurate data to be captured for Affirmative Action reporting purposes.