Search Committee and Chair



All full-time positions require the participation of a search committee in the selection process; the use of a search committee is recommended and encouraged for all part-time positions, as well.


Membership on such committees should be reserved for individuals who thoroughly understand the requirements of the position to be filled and who are committed to the mission and goals of the hiring unit/department/program, school or college, and the university. One member of the search committee should be designated as the chair (see responsibilities section below).

Responsibilities of the Committee

The search committee chair requests instructions from the department/unit head or appointing authority as to:

  1. The desired number of finalists to be recommended by the committee.
  2. The preferred method for ranking of finalists, either by designating a top group of candidates or by rank ordering the individuals within the top group.
  3. The desired date by which the committee should submit its recommendations.
  4. The responsibility, if any, of the committee to contact the finalists' references.

Other committee responsibilities include:

  1. Familiarity with UO policies and procedures (including but not limited to Veteran’s Preference in Employment). 
  2. Development of selection criteria.
  3. Campus visits and interviews.

The chair of the search committee should monitor all steps of the search process to ensure adherence to legal requirements, University policy, and best practices. The chair of the committee is also charged with final documentation of the search process. Selection Criteria

For Faculty hiring, refer to Faculty Hiring Guide: Developing Selection Criteria

Candidate selection criteria should be considered very carefully. Selection criteria should be based on the essential functions documented in the position announcement and on the education, skills and experience needed to be successful in the position.

Selection criteria:

  • Must be nondiscriminatory, and directly related to job performance.
  • Must be grounded in the position as announced – either addressed in or reasonably inferred from the job announcement.
  • Must be free from non-job-related considerations, particularly any that negatively affect members of protected groups, such as considerations related to age, disability, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.
  • Must be specified as either “required” (minimum qualifications) or “preferred” (desired qualifications). Required qualifications should reflect minimum levels of knowledge, skills, experience, and education required to be successful in the position.
  • Should include criteria that evaluate potential candidates’ experience with and/or commitment to ensuring a supportive educational environment for all students, faculty, and staff in a diverse workplace.
  • Should be defined specifically enough to be useful in guiding the selection decision but should not be defined in a way that is needlessly conventional or rigid and that may have the unintended consequence of eliminating candidates with transferable knowledge and skills obtained from non-traditional career paths. Narrowly defined criteria may frustrate progress toward diversity because members of under-represented groups may be more likely to have traveled non-traditional career paths or to have framed non-conventional research questions.
  • Can include the term “or equivalent” where appropriate; however, the hiring department must be able to specify acceptable equivalent substitutions for education and/or experience.
  • For department head, dean, or administrator must include "ability to administer affirmative action policies effectively and supervise in a culturally diverse workforce."

First Meeting of the Search Committee

A representative from Human Resources can attend the first meeting of the full search committee to discuss the committee's responsibilities, to answer any questions about search procedures, and provide consultation.

Also at the committee's first meeting, a timetable is developed for the committee's work. To the extent this timetable differs from the original proposal of the Active Recruitment Strategy (ARS), the ARS should be updated in the MyTrack system. Procedures are established in regard to:

  1. The recruitment strategy. Review the memo from Human Resources containing demographic information which details and identifies the populations for targeted recruitment (delivered on or around the candidate review date). Revise recruitment strategies as appropriate to target specific underutilized group members.
  2. Initial screening of candidates. All candidates who meet the announced minimum qualifications should be advanced beyond the initial screening to the next level of screening.
  3. The weighting of evaluation criteria and the determination of voting and ranking methods to advance candidates to the pool of finalists.
  4. Confidentiality.