Life Events (Birth, Divorce, etc...)

  1. Review the Plan Change Matrix provided by PEBB to determine what benefit changes you can make with the life change.
  2. Download and complete a Midyear Change form.
  3. Send the completed form(s) to the University of Oregon benefits office. If you are increasing your life insurance or your spouse's life insurance, this requires a medical history statement to be mailed or submitted electronically to Standard Insurance. Both formats can be accessed from the Forms page under "Other Forms".

Please click on the following links for additional information:

What happens to your benefits when you terminate employment
What happens to your benefits when you go on leave without pay or have a reduction in hours 

If you have any questions about how changes in your life may affect your benefits, contact the UO Benefits Office at 541-346-3085 or e-mail


Your Continuation Coverage Rights under COBRA

If you need assistance finding healthcare coverage, please visit  It lists carriers in each state, including Oregon, that offer group and individual coverage.

Important Information Regarding Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Short Term Disability

Employees who need time off from work to take care of a new child, or deal with serious health situations involving their family or themselves may qualify for benefits and/or job protection under the Federal Family Medical Leave Act or State of Oregon Family Leave Act.

If you have questions about FMLA or would like additional information, contact or 346-3085.

If you are currently enrolled in Short Term Disability and need to file a claim please review the following information Frequently Asked Questions About Filing a Short Term Disability Claim. Contact or 541-346-3085 for additional information.